250 territory to Sadafivaraya, returned (to their respective kingdoms,. As Hamarajayya who had been managing the affairs of tie Bay a died, his brother TiruniaL'rajayya succeeded him. Tirumalaraja, the son oi? Ellamaraja and Tirumalaniba of the llatli family was serving the king at the court. Three villages were granted to him for his maintenance in the Udayagiri-ro/ytf. J ° Kaifiyat of CiMivIti : L,R. 22, pp. 184-5 193(0). SADASIVA AND TIRUMALA. The five Mussahnnn Padushahs of Deccan, having united together put to death Krsnaraya's son-in-law, Ramaraja, with his army in a battle on the bank of the Krsna and occupied the kingdom. With their consent, SadaSivadeva Maharaya ruled over the kingdom for some time. Tirumalaraja became the Yuvaraja under him. Katyyat 0fSid4h(wata»i', L.R, 9, p 279. 193(&). After the death of Ramaraja the Great, who had been Yuvaraja during Sadasivaraya's re.ign, at the hands of the Muhammadans in S,S. (148t>) Raktaksi, the kingdom came once again under the control of Sada^ivaraya, While the £ son-in- law ' Tirumalaraja. a younger brother of Ramarajn the Great, was carrying on the administration, he confiscated *he village of Neravada. Kaijlyat of Neravada: L.R. 55, p. 37. 194. LAST PHASE OF SADA&VA'S RETGN. The reign of Acyutadeva Maharaya lasted until S.S. 1464 Subliakrt. Then Vlra §n Sada^ivadeva Maharaya being seat- ed on the Jewelled-throne at Vijayanagara, ruled the kingdom of the world from S.S. 1465 £obhakrt with Aliya Ramaraja as hi^ karyakaria. The Muhammadans who invaded (the country i put Aliya Ramaraja with bis army to death at BSk§a»i-Tafcgadi in the pargana of Honugonda, near the